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Compared with the old products, what are the improvements(Structure, material, technology, process, performance and use function)
With the increasing mobile phone camera pixel camera, auto focus motor dynamic axis tilt angle requirements increasingly strict, consider upgrading the camera autofocus motor can meet the high pixel application, the new products of high pixel camera autofocus motor has the following improvement:
  Old products new product utility
material quality / / /
structure General metal case Spring suspension lens carrier Nonmagnetic metal shell Ball bearing lens carrier Moving magnetic design provides lens position sensing signals
design Open loop unidirectional current controlled driving lens Loop control, with position sensing, bi-directional current drive lens The lens position feedback signal is used to control and locate the lens in real time
Technology Conventional motors are stacked on an optical axis Laterally nested assembly Ball holding guide lens carrier No traditional shrapnel The speed of focusing is fast, the focus is accurate, and the video image can be provided by static shooting or video recording
performance The position of traditional shrapnel motor varies with different postures (attitude difference 50~60um) Focus speed is normal (~100ms) The camera position is controlled by closed loop, almost no sale using the influence of the attitude change (attitude difference = 8um) Focus speed is fast (≤30ms) The speed of focusing is fast, the focus is accurate, and the video image can be provided by static shooting or video recording
Use function / / /
  Old products
material quality /
structure General metal case Spring suspension lens carrier
design Open loop unidirectional current controlled driving lens
Technology Conventional motors are stacked on an optical axis
performance The position of traditional shrapnel motor varies with different postures (attitude difference 50~60um) Focus speed is normal (~100ms)
Use function /
  new product
material quality /
structure Nonmagnetic metal shell Ball bearing lens carrier
design Loop control, with position sensing, bi-directional current drive lens
Technology Laterally nested assembly Ball holding guide lens carrier No traditional shrapnel
performance The camera position is controlled by closed loop, almost no sale using the influence of the attitude change (attitude difference = 8um) Focus speed is fast (≤30ms)
Use function /
material quality /
structure Moving magnetic design provides lens position sensing signals
design The lens position feedback signal is used to control and locate the lens in real time
Technology The speed of focusing is fast, the focus is accurate, and the video image can be provided by static shooting or video recording
performance The speed of focusing is fast, the focus is accurate, and the video image can be provided by static shooting or video recording
Use function /
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